Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Halloween. It's comming.

Today was a busy day. After work, I went to Mandi's to work on this years Halloween costumes... my sister has assigned me to make her costume this year...Sailor Moon. I never realized how much work went into such a costume, and today was only the first day! We were working for hours, but it seems like we've done so little. but after a few tutorials provided by the lovely youtube, I think we got the just of how the making would be done. Today I learned "how to make a pleated skirt" ...let me tell you the only part that is half way done, is the elastic band that we sew to at top of our skirt. I am still just getting the hang of this "sewing" thing, but it really is fun, and I have a good teacher. Mandi and I have been best friends since's been probably 17 or 18 years that I've known her, as we got older our lives had changed and we didn't really spend that much time together, but recently we have been hanging out a lot, and I had missed our friendship. Anyways back to the sewing, so tomorrow during work I am to finish the elastic band part of the skirt, and maybe tomorrow actually get our pleated skirt.

Funny Short Story: My sister is not so good at buying fabric, she bought 5 meters of a blue fabric, to make one small skirt! then she said, make sure you save me some for a few outlines on the shirt! lol well sister, I'm sure we will have at least 4 meters left! lol..oh well at least she got a good deal.
XOXO Livvia

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