I called from Windsor to Kingsville, all places were book, last resort was the hospital. After rushing to the hospital the next morning the lady says they are booked until the end of July, after explaining the whole story to her boss she was reluctant to say OK we can fit you in you will just have to wait a bit, which I did not mind.
After being called in the ultrasound lady says, you are 15 weeks and 6 days we will not be able to do the appropriate tests. I wanted to scream. I didn't know better this is my first child! I figured my doctor would book everything I need the referral anyways! I did do research online and I saw that it did say my first ultrasound was 11-14 weeks, I had a dating ultrasound a month before and figured that would take it's place because I wasn't aware of what it was for.
When the doctor told me that I wanted to climb over the desk and jab him with a pen- held back of course. Needless to say ladies, if you are expecting don't make the mistakes I did.
Things like this are the reason I switched family doctors. I hope things run smoothly for you from now on!