Saturday, November 26, 2011

37 weeks!

37 weeks, which means baby is officially grown. I can pop any day now so I have to be ready. I have my hospital bag packed- and baby's too! My room is de-cluttered and scrubbed (finally) baby's clothes are washed, bassinet and change tablet are set up, the only thing that really needs to be done is my room tidied up from all the Christmas shopping I've been doing. Definitely want to get that out of the way before baby comes, I think I'm pretty much done, there may be just a few things I need to pick up and I am waiting for an online order to come through this week, but that's all! This is the first time I've finished shopping before the Christmas decor is even up. We started today though- once finished of course I will give you a tour!

So baby is the size of a watermelon, and man can I feel him! I'm never comfortable anymore, I have insane heartburn all day and night, if I lay on one side for too long it feels like my hips are being crushed when I try to move (OUCH!) I'm really hoping he comes early, or at least on my due date, I want him here for Christmas. Christmas eve and Christmas day are so special in my family, and tradition we've had since I was born- so I'm so excited this year to share is with my new addition, my extra special bundle of joy!

On another note, I'm so excited because Phil might actually be here for Christmas- which the past month we were thinking he may have to work! It's still not 100% for sure, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Also, I may get to move even sooner that though- perhaps January 1st! I probably won't move in that early but I will be there a lot getting the place ready and the baby's room setup which I am so thankful, I was really beginning to wonder if the baby would ever be able to sleep in his crib- there's definitely no room at my house. I can finally get started with MY family, the thing I will cherish most in the world <3

It's almost December, are you excited for Christmas?

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