Monday, February 13, 2012

Back on Track

I am re-inventing the "healthy me." Getting back into the swings of things from after having Noah, really has me wanting to get healthy and fit. I know I shouldn't go into hardcore "working out" right away, so I'm going to start slowly, taking Noah for walks (in his stroller) on warm days, and running up and down the stairs about 2 times, will really work out some good muscles to get toned again! My goal? FIT INTO MY JEANS! I must say each week I'm losing more and more weight- slowly. It's kinda cool, because slowly I'm fitting back into my clothes, so it feels like each week I have a new wardrobe!

On another note, Lent is coming up, so I've been thinking what to give up. Every year it's pretty much the same thing, but I don't always follow through. This year, it will be all fast food, I can't even really call it food anyways it's so bad for you! Also, really starting to get exercise into my daily routines- that's a MUST.

Have you thought of different ways than a "crash diet" to become healthy or thin?

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