Saturday, September 1, 2012

End of a Challenge

September 1st. It has fast approached, I can't believe the summer is practically over. However, on another note my Vegetarian Challenge has come to an end, it was challenging it did restrict me from fast food, and a lot of unhealthy choices. I must admit I did cheat, going to my parents house where they are huge "meat eaters" is almost impossible to be anti-meat- considering sometimes they ONLY make meat for dinner, I did try cooking for myself but that lasted a total of 1 day hard when there's a family of 5 in the kitchen and a baby hollering. Needless to say I am going back to eating meat- just limited amounts and my Herbal Magic diet is starting again- immediately! Happy September :)

1 comment:

  1. What a cute baby! :)
    Stay healthy and ditch the diet! Sometimes, we just need to love eating. LOL. :)
    Hope we can follow each other. :)

