So the supposive "man of my dreams" had a breaking point a week ago, which left me plopped on my bed in a depression for four days--that still I can't sink out of. The only thing worth doing to give me some happiness is to do online shopping- which I always had a strong addiction to. Now, you must know that everytime I go into what I so call "my depressions" the only cure is for me to blow my moolah on meaningless must-haves.
I sometimes feel like I cannot control my shopping splures, I work at a dead end job that is really brining me no-where, and the pay is not that much...To my expenses at least! It's not a horrible job, but I feel like I can get so much more out of my life, and being here is just a safety net, I guess im just to scared to take risks for what I want, I like the security of having a pay check every two weeks.
Anyways enough about the job-- here are some items I bought in my recent depression.
1. First picture I have my new bejewled belly button ring! it sparkles like a dream!2. The second picture you will see is some makeup; face and eye primer, by Mark. Cheek Stamp by Mark. and Seeweed Bubble Bath by Mario Badescu. 3. And last, wehave my lovely Cowboy boots...which we of course.. much needed! purchased online at Forever21