Tuesday, January 10, 2012

updates from a mommy's point of view

Going on my second week, without Phil- just me and Noah. I do get some help when mom comes home from work, and if I need to quickly do something dad or my sisters are willing to watch him for a bit. But through the long nights and afternoons I'm on my own. Noah likes to get up every 3 hours on the dot, it takes him an hour to drink his bottle, then he needs a half hour of tummy time before he will sleep again. I must admit I thought being a mommy would be a lot easier and just full of smiles and lullaby's, no one tells you how horrible it is when they get sick- checking on them every 5 minutes even though you have a baby monitor, or only getting 3 hours of sleep every night, and in the afternoon when baby sleeps you have to use that time to make bottles, clean, do laundry- it's so much work! Definitely a full time job- I see now why people get nanny's. I wish Phil was here, I miss him so much and Noah has grown so much in the past two weeks. He keeps me calm and helps me out so much, I can tell he loves Noah unconditionally and would do anything for him- but 3 more days and daddy will be home then we get to see him for 2 weeks!

Noah had his first checkup today, he ways 7lbs 12 ounces! and is 20.7 inches! My boy is definitely growing fast, and the formula is getting more and more expensive, but it's all worth it when those big blue eyes look into mine, my heart literally melts every time! He's going to be a little heart breaker <3 Tomorrow he will be exactly 3 weeks old- almost a month I can't believe it.

Anyways just thought I would touch base with you all :) hopefully talk tomorrow! Goodnight!


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