Friday, February 17, 2012

Music's Past: I

SO I'm so excited about these next few posts, over the next week (hopefully I have the time) I will be posting songs and bands that bring back memories! "the good old days." Lately I've just been thinking about my life and how times have changed since I was a little girl- even how the music has changed, and like I've said before- with every song comes a memory so to each song I will share a memory.

First off, a band any girl growing up in the 90's would know, the infamous "Spice Girls!" I'm going to share 2 songs with you, so comes 2 memories.

Stop- I remember way back in grade school, I had the most wonderful birthday party themed as the Titanic. So me and my best girlfriends when out on my Grandparents friends yacht and danced the day away- I actually have a home movie of that day and us all dancing to this song.

Next we have Viva Forever, where to finish off our 8th grade year we all performed in the talent show -at this time Spice Girls were NOT popular anymore- we were just super cool obviously. 

Stay tuned for tomorrow's picks!


  1. Ah, both great times. The talent show, HA! We actually worked so hard and did such a good job that nobody thought we were kidding.
